Competition or Race Clutches often get a bad reputation for being hard to use, snatchy or on/off like a switch, although this can be the case for certain brands of clutch, it doesn’t have to be like this with a PowerTrain Technology Clutch.
There are several key aspects to achieving an optimised clutch installation;
- Friction material choice – PTT use propriety blends unique to them to ensure the best operating characteristics. The most popular is a Sintered Bronze Metallic material which is micro finished to ensure a virtually zero bed in procedure, this extends service life and improves drivability.
- Clutch pedal travel – This is a vital area often overlooked. It is critical to match the available pedal travel to the required clutch release travel, if only a small amount of pedal travel is used any clutch will be very difficult to modulate and control, road car manufacturers concentrate on matching pedal travel to actual clutch release travel and there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do the same in your race car.
- Spring choice – Another area that we pay close attention to and will always specify a clutch spring for the specific installation it will be used in, rather than just supplying you with a default option off the shelf as so many other manufacturers seem to do. A well matched spring rate not only reduces wear on the engine thrust bearing, but reduces driver fatigue and helps to improve the overall control of the clutch. We have 9 spring rates, and 2 pressure plate ratios to chose from.
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